History Services

Winthrop crafts authoritative and engaging histories of enduring value and impact.

At Winthrop, we capture the best of your past, your victories and achievements, but we also seek out stories of survival, perseverance, and triumph over adversity—stories that inspire and unite. We combine expert storytelling and authoritative insights with an appeal to institutional memory, fostering a sense of identity, community, and continuity. And we bring your story forward into the present day, helping you communicate the lasting purpose of your institution.

Whether you want to honor service and celebrate accomplishment, authenticate a brand, substantiate a message, or just set the record straight, we help you tell your story with the explanatory power and emotional appeal that only history, your history, can provide.

Publications. We craft authoritative histories and biographies tailored to virtually any audience or purpose, from distinguished books and articles published by the world’s leading academic and trade presses and business journals to lavishly illustrated books, booklets, and brochures.

Digital presentations. We design and produce e-books, interactive websites, tablet and smartphone apps, and other digital content that allow you to present your history with fresh meaning and purpose and engage audiences as active participants in narrative and interpretation.

Documentary film and video. Our award-winning documentaries and other visual presentations combine artful narrative and high production values to establish a personal connection with the audience, creating a powerful and engaging story.

Oral and recorded history. We use professional interviewing techniques and deep knowledge of business and institutional history to capture stories and anecdotes, dissenting opinions and roads not taken—together, a rich vein of insight from senior leaders into today’s challenges and opportunities.

Research. We locate, analyze, and interpret historical source material for use in areas such as litigation, regulatory compliance, economic forecasting, and public relations. We also serve as expert witnesses in areas of the law where historical knowledge is crucial, including anti-trust, product liability, environmental torts, and property rights.

The Family Project. We believe that families and individuals deserve high-quality historical services that can have the same, if not more, value as other professional services, such as investment strategies or legal advice.

Featured Work

Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic

Compelling, authentic, and emotionally engaging history in a video documentary format
Trinity School

Trinity School

Winthrop helps a 300-year old independent school use its history and archives to build institutional loyalty
Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble

A business history bestseller marked the beginning of a client relationship lasting more than a decade.