Everywhere, the past exerts a powerful influence on the present. It shapes corporate culture, informs stakeholder and public perceptions, and presents opportunities and obstacles for decision-makers. The past, and how one interprets it, have profound consequences for today’s organizations.

Winthrop professionals, as experts in applied history, can help you better understand the complex process of cause and effect at work throughout your own past. We can help you identify turning points and defining moments, expose hidden risks, uncover underlying patterns and unspoken assumptions, and illuminate the way ahead. Done well, your history is an incomparable source of learning—and a valuable organizational asset.

At The Winthrop Group, we craft a range of histories tailored to virtually any audience, from scholarly monographs, trade books, and lavishly illustrated popular histories to privately printed books, magazine-style booklets, and public relations brochures. We also produce oral histories for print, film, and video, as well as timelines, brief histories, and other presentations suitable for multimedia and the web.

Whatever your needs—marketing and communications, strategic planning, training and professional development, fundraising and grant-making, or managing organizational change—The Winthrop Group can help you meet them.