Michael Chui

Michael Chui

Metadata Librarian, Queens Public Library


Winthrop Highlights

  • Joined Winthrop in 2021


  • Long Island University, MSLIS with Certificate of Advanced Study in Archives and Records Management
  • New York University, Master of Arts in Museum Studies
  • Hofstra University, Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology

Notable Clients

  • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
  • New York University
  • United Nations

About Michael

Prior to Winthrop, Michael was a cataloger at the 9/11 Memorial Museum for eight years where he cataloged the museum's oral history collection and developed standardized procedures and workflows for the intake and preservation of born digital and digitized objects (photographs, audio, and videos). Michael was also a contract archivist at the New York Transit Museum where he cataloged 19th century maps of the Long Island Railroad, a Corporate Archives intern at The Associated Press, and a graduate Archival Assistant at New York University's Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives.